Sunday, February 13, 2011

Happy Sunday!

It's time for this weeks' newsletter!

I was recently speaking to a friend and we were discussing Oprah and her weight loss journey. We were saying how hard it is to believe that she has personal trainers, personal chefs and a whole staff of people to help her on her weight loss journey. Yet, she still struggles. Why do you think that is?

Do you think Oprah does her own grocery shopping and designs her own menu? Is she in control of what is stocked in her kitchen? Do you think that all of her money has bought her the ability to make wise choices? Well, that is up for debate as I'm sure you'd all agree.

Now, let's talk about us, the do-it-yourself average American. Are we fully informed as to what walks into our own kitchens? Your answer should be a resounding YES!

We tend to have all sorts of items in there for our "surprise guests", for your own kids who will complain because they "need" their chips, for when the kids visit from college, for the grandchildren who "need" cookies and cakes, etc., etc...... What about what we need? Tell me what your needs are for your kitchen, then tell yourself.

We are a result of what is in our house. If there are dangerous treats there, will you eat them? And moreover, why would you set yourself up for that kind of conflict?

Before I see all of you this week, I hope you'll think about what NEEDS to happen in your own kitchen and then how to make it happen. Let's discuss the roadblocks that you approach while mulling this over. Let's also share your success!

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