Happy Sunday everyone!
I hope you're ALL going to get outside today! It's beautiful and we need to get some sun and much deserved warm weather. I'll be out there enjoying it after I complete your motivational blurb for the week. :)
How did everyone spice things up this week? I hope everyone stepped outside of that box you've been sitting in for quite some time and had an adventure. I can't wait to hear about your courageous stories of finding excitement that was outside your comfort zone.As you can see, I tried some corned beef this week. I then made corned beef hash the next morning! I haven't had that in YEARS! It was exciting to say the least. And it was also delicious at 9PP value.
This weeks meeting will be about what you HAVE accomplished. Everyone reading this has already accomplished at least one thing. You came to your meeting!
As weight watchers we spend a great deal of time telling ourselves what we haven't accomplished. How is that fair? How will that be a motivator for us? How can it be? Yes, the answer is that it won't motivate us at all! What will it take to tell yourself that you CAN do it!
So, everyone consider what you've done so far. What do you need do to build that confidence that you've experienced before?
Think about all of this and bring your successes to the meeting. For those of you who still struggle with this challenge, let's problem solve together so you can get that excitement back.
I'll see ALL of you this week!
-Karen, your Weight Watchers Leader