Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Heart Health

In the Jan./Feb. issue of Weight Watchers magazine there was a very interesting article. It talked about valuable foods that improve your heart health. The heart is our battery that keeps us going. We need to care for it well.

Most of these are filling foods and those that are not will be low in Points Values. This is more proof that smart food choices are just as important as moderation. Poor nutritional choices won't put you on the road to good health even if you're within your points. Fill your day with filling foods and the long term benefits will last the rest of your life!

Salmon- twice a week, the farm raised variety. It is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids

Almonds-2 oz. a day of plain, nothing added. Blue Diamond makes a fantastic 100 calorie pack (2 Points) which can be found in the nut section of most grocery stores.

Oats-"The FDA approved oats as a cholesterol-lowering food in 1997, but a new review shows they may be even more powerful than previously thought"

Strawberries-Lowers CRP levels by up to 14 percent

Pomegranate-Studies show that the juice improves blood flow to the heart by twenty percent

Green Tea- Let steep for at least 3 minutes and do not add any dairy products to it. Promotes better blood flow and a healthier heart.

Cherries-Can lower your risk for heart disease by lowering CRP levels

Dark Chocolate-Improves blood flow to the heart and therefore lowering the risk of heart attack

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