Saturday, October 18, 2008

I'm just having one of those days!

The kids got up late and have already missed the schoolbus. You ran out of milk to put in your coffee and there won't be time to stop on the way to work because you have to drop the kids off. When you finally got to work, the meeting you were supposed to be at began an hour earlier than scheduled.

Fortunately, you planned ahead and packed your lunch the night before. At noon, that meal was welcome. Although it was planned well, the sandwich and apple just doesn't satisfy. As you meander into the lunchroom, you notice some leftover birthday cake. One piece won't hurt, after all you had a great lunch.

After lunch, you discover that there was a glitch in your computer and some very important files were lost because you forgot to back them up. Just one more piece of cake...then that's it.

On your way home and after the kids have been picked up, you realize that you forgot to defrost something. The kids want french fries and so do you. At the drivethrough, you supersize it. You've already "blown it" on the cake so why the heck not?

Who's ever had a day like that? Why did you end up at the drive through? Was it because you were hungry or was it something else? What was it that you really wanted? When anxiety follows you the whole day, will food make it go away?

I'm going to guess that you've all answered that last question with a "no". That would be correct!

Before you head to the drive through, food court or otherwise, consider what you are needing at that moment. Maybe a brisk walk can bring your anxiety level down. If you are feeling lonely, call a friend...just don't call Ben or Jerry! Bored?, how about picking up a hobby that can be done with your hands, like a puzzle or knitting.

Every mood in the dictionary can cause a hazard zone for us Weight Watchers. So, evaluate what happens when you are mindlessly reaching for an unwise choice. Eating for the wrong reasons won't get us any closer to our weight loss goals. So take a step back next time and ask yourself..."What am I really hungry for?".

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