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| Are You in CALORIE DENIAL? We learned some interesting things recently, and now we're sharing them. A while back, we reported on a study that indicated people in NYC are paying attention to newly posted calorie counts on menus and ordering smarter. Yay, right? Well, before you get all excited, check this out. A new study out of Yale found that out of 4,311 people who visited Starbucks, Burger King, Au Bon Pain, or McDonald's, only a ridiculously pathetic number of them (six... yes, SIX!) took the time to find out the calorie counts in foods before ordering. Granted, the info wasn't right in front of their faces on the menus -- it was posted on walls, printed in pamphlets, or available at computer stations inside the restaurants. But still -- SIX people out of 4,311 is 0.1%. POINT ONE PERCENT! That is sad, humans, especially co nsidering that a meal out can contain enough fat for three days if you're not careful. So what is it? Are people lazy? In denial? Unaware? Whatever it is, we need to do what we can to change that. Restaurants need to make it WELL KNOWN that their nutritionals are available. And everyone needs to remember to seek this info out when visiting fast-food joints. Don't be all "out of sight, out of mind" about it -- if you don't see the nutritional stats, ASK for 'em! |